Greek Gods


Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, has an interesting name. Her name can be translated in many ways; she who distributes or deals out, due enactment, or divine vengeance. She punished excessive pride, evil deeds, undeserved happiness or good fortune, and no moderation. She maintained balance in people’s lives, if they were too happy she could make bad things happy. She helped keep Earth and all the people on it in balance; if someone was acting out she would snap them back to reality.

She was an assistant of Zeus, and her home, Attic Rhamnus, was a site of sanctuary dedicated to her. At first she was shown without wings, but later they showed her with wings. Her symbols were a wheel and a ships rudder, and the most known story about her is story of Narcissus.

Narcissus was a handsome man, and all the women who saw him fell in love with him. Narcissus was vain, and only loved himself so he denied all admirers. The nymph Echo fell in love with him, but he denied her since he only loved himself. She fell away until what was left was the echo of her voice. Nemesis saw this, and she punished him so he had to spend the rest of him life looking at his own reflection in a pool. When he died, he was transformed into a flower that is called his name.