Greek Gods


Birthplace of Hades: The most common story that Hades was born to the great mother goddess Reha and Kronos (father time), on the island of Crete, along with his brothers.

Pets: Cerbeurs, a three headed dog

Symbol: Scepter on horn of plenty

Strengths: rich and wealthy of the earth, especially meals. Persistent and Determiend

Interesting Fact:  Hades originally may have been all the dark and the underworld aspects of zues, eventually considered to be a separate deity. He is sometimes called “Zeus of the Departed”. His names originally meant “invisible” or “unseen”, as the dead go away and are seen no more.


·         Persephone is sometimes called Kore, maiden, or maiden of the fair ankles.

·         Some people say that Persephone liked the arrangement and she ate the pomegranate seed on purpose to break away from her mother

·         Persephone never bore a child for Hades, but before she was married to Hades she had a child named Zagreus for Zeus

-no fun facts about Nemesis